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Fraunhofer Alliance autoMOBILproduktion

c/o Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology

Reichenhainer Straße 88

09126 Chemnitz



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Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering

Human and technology in the digital world of work

Digital technologies are transforming our working world with profound effects on business and society. Digitalization modernizes and revolutionizes long-established practices and processesIn the blink of an eye. The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO works together with companies and public-sector bodies and institutions to develop strategies, business models and solutions for digital transformation.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design

Expertise in intelligent mechatronics

Situated in Paderborn, the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design IEM delivers expertise in intelligent mechatronics in the context of industry 4.0. Scientists from the fields of mechanical engineering, software engineering and electrical engineering engage in interdisciplinary collaboration to research innovative methods and tools for the development of intelligent products, production systems and services. Its core competencies are intelligent mechatronic systems, systems engineering and virtual prototyping.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials

The Fraunhofer IFAM is one of the most important research institutions in Europe for adhesive bonding technology, surfaces,shaping and functional materials.

Most of the products, processes, and technologies we develop are for sectors where sustainability is particularly important, namely for the aviation industry, automotive sector, energy technologies, medical technology and life sciences, maritime technologies. The solutions developed at Fraunhofer IFAM are, however, also used in various other branches of industry including machinery and plant construction, electronics and electrical engineering, shipbuilding, rail vehicle manufacture, the packaging industry, and the construction sector.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation

Reliable Systems for Efficient and Sustainable Production

The Fraunhofer IFF are Technology partners for manufacturers. The researchers research and develop technologies, systems and products from the idea to the start of production – and implement them in practice collaboratively.

Priority is given to new methods and technologies of digital engineering and their extensive use in the development, production and operation of products and manufacturing systems. This is the basis for the institute’s development of innovative solutions in its fields of research: “smart work systems”, “resource-efficient production and logistics” and “convergent infrastructures” In the process, the researchers rely on their expertise in robotic, measurement and testing, process engineering in manufacturing and logistics, technology-based assistance and qualification.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology

Innovations for production

The IGCV take advantage of synergies to push the research and development of: Lightweight Casting Technologies - Fibre-Reinforced Composites - Automated Production Technologies


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Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen

Fraunhofer IIS is one of the world's leading application-oriented research institutes for microelectronic and information technology system solutions and services. 

For customers and partners from industry and the public sector, they develop, implement and optimize processes, products and systems until they are ready for use and the market. The two key topics of "cognitive sensor technology" and "audio and media technology" are the central strategic lanes of the institute. This is where the experience and expertise from all seven research areas is pooled and solutions for the needs of the present and future are developed.

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Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics

Plan logistics – guarantee mobility – design the future

Logistics consulting by specialists: Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics advises companies of all industries and sizes in all questions about material flow and logistics. For our customers we offer widespread services:

As consultants we support in fulfilling new tasks and meeting requirements, as researchers we work out new solutions together with our customers, as planners we help to optimize the internal and external logistics and as developers we realize solutions in soft- and hardware. In the process, Fraunhofer IML focuses on company-specific, made-to-measure solutions and accompanies its customers from planning to implementation.


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Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation

Developing innovative visual systems. Making best possible use of sensors and interconnecting them. Processing and evaluating the resulting data flows. Using this data to efficiently support humans in making sound decisions, improving processes and controlling autonomous systems in an intelligent way. This complete process and value chain is there domain. It combines the three core competences that are reflected in the name – optronics, system technologies and image exploitation.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation

We see opportunities. We give impulses. We manufacture the future.


The 15 departments of Fraunhofer IPA are supplemented by six business units: Automotive, Machinery and Equipment Industry, Electronics and Microsystems, Energy, Medical Engineering and Biotechnology and Process Industry. This structure enables them to help practice partners improve their market position as well as support their market entry into new application fields


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Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films

Offer around thin layers

The Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST is your competent partner in the areas of surface treatment and modification, production and application of coatings, film characterization and surface analysis.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics

The ITWM is one of the world's largest mathematical research institutes and there goal is to further develop mathematics as a key technology, give innovative impetus and implement it in practice together with industry partners. Methodologically, the research areas are based on modeling, simulation and optimization. Integral parts of the projects are consulting and implementation, support in the application of high-performance computer technology and providing tailor-made software solutions. The ITWM not only use simulation software, but also develop it ourselves, often in cooperation with leading software companies.

Nowadays, companies of all sizes use simulations on regular bases which gives them benefit in terms of product innovation and quality assurance. The customers are mainly in the automotive, mechanical engineering, textile, computer industry and finance sectors.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology

The competent partner for laser and surface technology

The IWS stands for innovations in laser and surface technology and offers one stop solutions ranging from the development of new processes to implementation into production up to application-oriented support. The fields of systems technology and process simulation complement the core competencies. The business fields of Fraunhofer IWS include PVD and nanotechnology, chemical surface and reaction technology, thermal surface technology, generation and printing, joining, laser ablation and separation as well as microtechnology. The competence field of material characterization and testing supports the research activities.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology

Leading institute for resource-efficient production

The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU is an engine for innovations in the research and development of production technologies. Around 600 employees at our locations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Zittau open up potentials for competitive manufacturing. Our scientific research and contract research focuses on components, processes and the associated complex machine systems – the entire factory.

As a leading institute for resource-efficient production within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft we are your scientific research and development partner for the future industries of automobile and mechanical engineering. Since 25 years, the main focus of our work has been on application-oriented research and development in the field of production technology for the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors. We not only develop intelligent production systems for the manufacturing of car body and powertrain components, but we also optimize their related forming and cutting manufacturing processes.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing

Cognitive Sensor Systems – Efficient Processes

The Fraunhofer IZFP is an internationally leading institute for research and development of nondestructive monitoring technologies in the frame of industry-relevant product life cycles. Our scientists develop "cognitive sensor systems", i.e. intelligent and auto-adaptive sensor/actuator networks with which specific processes or entire value added chains can be monitored, controlled and optimized. The focus here is not only on production processes, but also on processes in material and product development, as well as on the upkeep, maintenance and recycling of materials.

Fraunhofer IZFP’s development work relies on decades of accumulated know-how covering almost all known NDT methods. The device and sensor systems developed at Fraunhofer IZFP are interlocked with modern information and communication technology, e.g. for intelligent signal and image processing as well as automated interpretation and assessment of inspection and measurement data on the basis of machine learning methods.


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Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability

Systematic research!

The Fraunhofer LBF teams offer services along the entire valueadded chain starting with the material and its processing up to the finished component, the complex system, its qualification with regard to safety and reliability, and performance from product design to verification. Particularly in the area of plastics, the institute provides support at an early stage of the value added chain with polymer synthesis and in-depth material


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Fraunhofer Austria

Innovations ensure your long-term business success - we support you!

Main Research Areas:

  • Cyber-Physical Production & Assembly Systems
  • Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence
  • Geometry processing
  • Green Logistics
  • Smart Manufacturing
  • Industrial Internet-of-Things
  • Physical Internet
  • Visual Analytics
  • Virtual, Augmented und Mixed Reality

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